NonFiction Photo Festival

The preparations for the coming NonFiction Photo Festival are in full swing. Come join the festival team or in the meantime view our traveling exhibition Climate no Future which will be on from 4 - 14 October in Hamburg.

The NonFiction Photo Festival 2022 Groningen was a great success. The world famous World Press Photo Exhibition and the premiere of Future Food have inspired thousands of visitors. Next year we will be back with a new edition in Groningen including the World Press Photo Exhibition 2024.

Would you like to help realize the festival next year? Take a look at our vacancy page or sign up as volunteers for the coming edition.

News and Activities

Climate No Future 2024 by Wella Oili Kuukasjärvi
Climate no Future

This exhibition explores the depiction of current climate protests through the eyes of the protesters themselves. Check out this exhibition between 4 - 14 October in Hamburg.

By Anush Babajanyan
NonFiction Photo Festival 2024

Our festival is back in Groningen next year in November. Read about our exhibitions and save the dates!

Productie team Nonfiction

Are you also raving about the NonFiction Photo Festival? Come and help us organize the next edition. We work from our ‘headquarters’ at the cultural breeding ground De Biotoop in Haren. You can join all year round as a team member, for work experience, internships on all levels or as a volunteer.

What we are all about

As a stage for art with a mission, we move within the cultural world using our manifesto as a guide and our pillars as a basis.

By Anna Boyiazis

Art is a gateway to a bigger world. In the context of social art, we produce and present photo exhibitions.

By Andrea Hooymans

To navigate well within visual culture, it is important to understand it. That is why we strive to improve visual literacy.

by Andrea Hooymans

Makers and other culture professionals have to navigate the cultural world as well. That is why we share our knowledge with volunteers and young talent.

by Andrea Hooymans

Who says art and business do not mix? As a gang of artists, we keep the ship afloat thanks to the help of professionals, trainees and interns.


+31 6 306 530 13


Stichting NonFiction Photo
Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN, Haren
ANBI | Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling


NonFiction Photo Festival Groningen November – December 2024


Get the tickets for all of our events through the link below.


Read this letter in English or Dutch, but only when there is news.

Social Media

Follow us on our festival preparations.

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